Update 5th Feb 2021

Hey guys! I know it’s been a while since I posted, that’s my bad. I kinda stopped my bullet journaling and now I’m all out of sync. Anyway! I’m really excited for the future again. Today I applied for an Access to Higher Education course, and I should have a date and time for myContinue reading “Update 5th Feb 2021”

Nuzlocke 2 – Electric Boogaloo

Today’s nuzlocke begins where I left off in the Glittering Cave. Everyone was looking a little rough after our encounter with the Team Flare grunt, so I began by giving Wartortle an antidote, and the others some potions. Time to get moving. First I have to decide who’s going to learn Rock Smash. I narrowedContinue reading “Nuzlocke 2 – Electric Boogaloo”

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